המסך המפוצל

חלק שלישי

The eye of the panther; Frankly kinda gay; Don’t want to be fired

מאת: איתן גשם

פורסם: 24-09-2003
7 תגובות
The eye of the panther / Gunn
ע"פ השיר "What you feel"

I can fight all day
This is what I like
I can also slay
Vamps like Angel and Spike
I come from the black-gheto-nation
And I am strictly, well... still on probation
So, come out and play, or won’t you take a hike

I’m the hottest thing at Wolfram & Hart
More than anything I love to kick… demon butt
You call me and I come all fighting
Cause I find demon’s blood to be exciting'
Now we’re rumbling
That’s why I love the bouts

Cause I know, who you fear, vamp'
...I know just who you fear

All these fighting scenes don’t go on too long
I don’t like this thing
And I think it’s handled wrong
All those times I beat evil creatures
'Will be only seen on the 'special features
I think they’re cutting me ‘cause I’m just too srong

You fought me hard but lost your card
Cause the king here likes to win'
I hit you low in the section below
And turned you to a queen

Cause I know who you fear, vamp'

Now I speak in a squeak
And it’s not due to Helium

I know I’m who you fear, vamp

What I’ll do is I’ll sue
Maybe I’ll win a million

I can fight alone and kick ass
And still have time to be pissed at Wes

Well, that’s great, but I’m late
Gotta be at this law firm

Someone’s boxing, I’m butting in it
I bit Tyson’s ear, and then just spit it

Gotta go, I don’t know
Something about a panther

?A panther


Find it, tell it... tell it everything! Just get it here
!I wanna see the panther’s eyes


Frankly kinda gay / Lorn
ע"פ השיר "Standing"

You’re not ready for the world outside
You keep pretending, but you just can’t hide
I know the closet’s feeling really warm inside
...But I

You fail with women and you always will
You’ve got the hotness, and the sex appeal
"So pull an “Ellen
cause these days it’s no big deal'
...And I

I wish I could say the right words
And make you choose my way
Wish I could play the lover
And show you every day
...Wish I could lay
...But now I understand
That you’re frankly kinda gay

The guys around you, they all think you’re hot
And you can have fun, but you’d rather not
So you just hide there when you should be grabbing butts
...But(t...) I

I wish you could make the right choice and let me watch your back

Wish I could be the demon that gets you in the sack
Wish we could play... I’ll let you bite my neck
!cause you’re frankly kinda gay

Don’t want to be fired / Everyone
ע"פ השיר "Walk through the fire"

I check the raitings and it’s scaring me
The future’s looking kinda black
That’s why I feel, we need a new appeal
!I want Angelus back

Wolfram and Hart are tempting me
They offer powers and some gel
Let me turn bad and bring Spike from the dead
!I’ll send him right to hell

Cause I don’t want to be fired'
My good-guy days are done
I don’t want to be fired
...Please Joss Whed

Angel’s a poof and I got proof
I caught him checking out my butt

!This is so... neat - I’m not some piece of meat
...They better pay a lot

Cause I don’t want to be fired'
So don’t dare make that phone
I don’t want to be fired
...Please Joss Whed

Can the show attract the females
Maybe they’ll send lots of E-mails
Maybe we can get a 4 point share

?What if “West Wing” will defeat us

Sorkin’s gone - They have no genius
Ours’ never stopped to really care

Joss, we love you
And Jeffrey Bell we like you too
Cause we don’t want to be fired'

The Sponsors are deserting us
That’s what you get when raitings fall
I hate this role, I’ll get rid of this soul
!And then I’ll bite’m all

He is getting all Angelus

I’m the star now, poof is jealous

I think Angel’s going to the dark

!He is jealous, so I’m happy

I think this line's kinda crappy

This show really needs to make a mark

These endless days may finally help us get a raise
Cause we don’t want to be fired'
Next year we might be gone
We don’t want to be fired
!Please Joss Whe...don!!!! Joss Whe... don! Joss Whe… don! Joss Whedon


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